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Trustees and Finance

The Trust Deed allows for 8 trustees to be appointed. Trustees must be either members of the St. Wulfram's Choir, parents of juniors who are members, or on the Electoral Roll of St. Wulfram's.   One trustee is nominated by the Bishop of Grantham and one by the St. Wulfram's Parochial Church Council. 


The Registered address for the trust is:  

The Parish Office of St.Wulfram's Church, Church Street, Grantham, NG31 6RR 



The Trustees' Annual Report for the year ending 30th September 2023 is available here.


A finance summary is available here.


To access the Trust's Privacy Statement please click here.


To download a copy the current Newsletter please click here.



The trust was signed into existence on 1st October 2008. Registration with the Charity Commissioners was completed on 7th April 2010 and the Registered Charity Number is 11356362.  The Accounting year runs from 1st October to 30th September.  The Trust Deed allows for 8 trustees to be appointed. Trustees must be either members of the St. Wulfram's Choir, parents of juniors who are members, or on the Electoral Roll of St. Wulfram's.  One trustee is nominated by the Bishop of Grantham and one by the St. Wulfram's Parochial Church Council. 

The trustees on 8th March 2024 were:

Andrew Wyatt - Chairman

Ray Davie - Finance 

Roger Sleigh

Father Stuart Cradduck - (Bishop of Grantham's nominee) 

John Tomlinson 

Father Clay Roundtree - (PCC nominee)

Romany Gurner

To contact a trustee please click here.


The Master of the Music attends trustee meetings in a non-voting capacity. 

Other links which may be of interest:

The trust does retain names and addresses and other contact details about people who have made donations to the trust, attended events or expressed interest in the trust's activities. A copy of our Privacy Notice can be downloaded here. The recent Government Legislation called the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) has required all organisations holding personal information to publish a Policy Statement about how they handle this information and to inform any people affected of that policy. The trust's policy is available to download here.  A copy of the Year End summary of accounts can be downloaded here.

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